Weekly Update
>> Saturday, March 14, 2009
So far so good! I have been able to meet my goal of posting a daily article on both Flitting on Fiction and Back to School for Grownups... and to drop my daily 300 Entrecards as well.
On Flitting on Fiction, articles include
- today's review of Clive Cussler's Plague Ship (with Jack du Brul)
- articles about Viral Contagion, and Pandemic II
- and pictures of my happy leprechans (aka my grandbabies)
Back to School for Grownups has mostly been about
- my search for housing for next fall
- the grad student residence option
- summer school in Victoria BC, and
- finding something to write about every day.
Have not got to flitting.org....will try to get an update about our ongoing difficulties with TD CanadaTrust up there sometime this weekend, though.
Another new blog that you might be interested is Ask Me Anything, which is Stephanie, the rocket scientist's latest .... well worth a visit.
Also, if you happen to be a grad student ... or might want to be one someday, why not stop by The Grad Cafe? I'm really enjoying the interaction there...and learning a lot about universities in the US in the process, which I think will help me to do a better job of Back to School for Grownups.
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