
>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ross was here for the weekend ....we spent Friday night at the house I'm staying at (single bed; not so comfortable when it's hot & muggy out but oh well) and then yesterday we went to visit a friend of his' cottage about an hour from here. It was very nice - even though we have our own waterfront, one tends to take that for granted ....I very much enjoyed just sitting out by the lake watching the chipmunks and loons and other assorted critters.

We came home today and after unloading my groceries and so on, went for a walk downtown - looking at student housing, mostly. Or at streets that would do if we could find a place on 'em. Me, I'd really rather buy - I hate to think of paying so much money to rent (for up to 4 years) and having to put up with other people's dumb rules. But Ross is leaning toward renting, at least so far.

Anyway .... we were going to sit outside on a restaurant patio and have something to eat, although neither of us was all that hungry, but shortly after we sat down the sky opened and that was the end of that plan. Decided to forego food and just head back. When we got here, Ross treated the house and tree for carpenter ants - they have a LOT of carpenter ants here - and then he left.

Which is, of course, why I'm sulking - I really hate that he left without me. I WANT TO GO HOME TOO!

Will still have tons of stuff to do once I get there ...but I will definitely be thrilled to get back to my own stuff. Only 5 more sleeps. *sigh*

And then I will get to stay home for 2 months and then I will have to come back to Peterborough.

And THAT, of course, is why I'm really sulking. As much as I want to do the phd thing...and as excited as I am about doing it here in Canadian Studies @ Trent - this whole moving/residency requirement thing is not working for me at all.

Maybe Ross was right and I should have applied further afield so that we would HAVE to just move - splitting our time between places just sucks - especially when one is home and one really isn't. And of course the WORST is when he doesn't come with me. I HATE it when we are apart. I like lots of time to myself - but not THIS much!


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