Making Progress
>> Friday, July 3, 2009
.... somewhat, anyway.
Today I managed to get all of the details stuff that's been hanging over my head done - taxes, travel forms & receipts, all that ~fun~ stuff that I suck so bad at.
Still haven't made much when it comes to my essays ... we ended up going to Toronto twice this week, which ate up a lot of time.
Hubby has a job for tomorrow though, so hopefully while he's gone, I'll manage to get some work done on the major research paper. No, I WILL get some work done on the MRP. And on the short story. And THEN I can spend some time on the other 2 papers I need to do ...although the Mavis Gallant piece is actually pretty far along already, considering that I don't yet have the copies I ordered.
I was able to order in some of Gallant's short story collections from the local public library; also picked up one of the PK Page books I don't have... so at least I have those to work from. Really need a copy of Page's Brazilian Journals, though - I have copies of her handwritten manuscripts, which I have been working on transcribing, but I am hoping the book will help me out with some of the bits I'm not sure of. One of the joys of archival work - trying to make out people's handwriting!
I got novel writing and/or editing to do this weekend myself. I hope I'm as good about doing them as you were getting your detail stuff.
This was one weekend when I didn't have ANY work to do. The only writing I've been doing is blogging, and I got a post up, so I call this a successful weekend. Hope you got everything done!